Connectivity Solutions

Any IoT system cannot work properly until it has a fully efficient network to connect all sensors or nodes to a gateway. There are multiple technologies available today, like LoRAWAN, NB-IoT, SigFOX, LTE etc., to enable enterprises to connect efficiently and take the fullest advantage of IoT.

These connectivity solutions can be used as per your requirements.

Sensors Technology

Sensors are the first node in any IoT systems which makes them very important to be studied properly. There are various types of sensors available today for all sort of use cases.

Depending upon your application, we can help you select and use best sensor. 

Development Tools

Developments tools are the very important when you are in product development phase. Right development tools can help you save time, save cost, increase efficiency and hence better productivity.

We can help you select and use best development tool available for your application.

Systems Integration

System integration is defined in engineering as the process of bringing together the component sub-systems into one system and ensuring that the subsystems function together as a single system.

Internet of thing is all about systems integration, as all the blocks of IoT system are different and are brought together into a single system.

Design and Development

Every company needs to have good quality product upon which customers can rely. Designing and developing these products can be difficult and need expertise and expensive tools sometime which increase the cost of product.

 We can help you bring your dream products to market in very efficient way.

Embedded Hardware

We are living in an era of smart things where every dumb device is now upgrading to being smart. This all happen with the help of an embedded system sitting inside it.

We deals in various low cost embedded IoT kits, LoRA kits etc

Video Streaming Solution

Healthcare & Education are the vital pillars of our society and we are dedicated to improve access to quality medical care and educational content delivery through advanced technologies used in our live streaming solution, VitalSTREAM.

Training and Consulting

We at TouchTECHNO believes in teaching everything we know and guiding everyone to achieve their dreams. 

We have expertise in Embedded Systems, IoT Systems, National Instruments LabVIEW and DAQ cards etc.


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